Tattoo February 19, 2022 / "Full Retro Set" by Nagow Tattoo Artist "Sudden Death Rune" by Guilherme Skau "Orshabaal" by Kanada "Knight" by Vitoria Ruffo "Sudden Death Rune" by Erivan X Maruci "King Tiianus" by Fernando Rocha tibia tattoo by Maniek Sadkowski "Retro Ultimate Healing Rune" by Guilherme Skau "Ferumbras" by Gustavo Santiago "Naga Archer" by Kura Pazurem Studio "Sudden Death Rune" by Mario Farfán Tattoo "Ferumbras with Demon" Tibia couple by Tyzon Ortega "Mage Outfit" "Retro Warrior Outfit" by Leo Rodriguez "Crystal Wolf" by Raphael Sancho Another dead player... "Kad lvl 107" "Demon Set" "Oldschool Set" "Druid Set" Tibia tattoo by Higor Tibia tattoo by Fred Viggiano Wow! Legendary Golden Helmet by Chapolim Martin Chiquilin Reseller by Aguamala "Mage Outfit" by Roger Ciente "Druid" by Igor Brizzi You are dead... by Urihell Magnificient Mage Outfit by Sindel Tattoo Garoto do Sorriso by Adriane Bazzo « ‹ 1 of 3 › »