
Character: Juh Mong

Server: Calmera

Colz is an illustrator from Venezuela. If you like and their mascot – Mini NabBot, you have this guy to thank!

He is the designer of this sprite:

You see a Mini NabBot.
It weighs 60.00 oz.
It is the first NabBot prototype of service. Awarded by

“I am the first mini NabBot prototype, at least the first one that works properly.”

“Too many questions, too many answers.”

“Congrats <player> on getting that level! Maybe you can solo rats now?”

“That’s what you get <Player>, for messing with that monster!”

“<Player> got a level? Here, have a cookie!”

He is also the author of this awesome graphic of a Worker Golem with a Mini NabBot, for which he got 3rd place:

I wanted an heroic look for the worker golem and his companion, the Mini NabBot, as far as I remember the crystals of the worker golem is what gives him power so I decided to give it a magical touch. The Mini NabBot gives it a funny and charming look, also, it gives contrast to the figure of the Worker Golem so for me, they look really good together in this piece.


His second sprite for the Fansite Item Conest is called: Mr. Confetti and shows a small Jester Doll hanged on his balloon.

You see Mr. Confetti.
It weighs 18.00 oz.
It is said that Mr. Confetti never misses a celebration in Tibia, he arrives hanging from his balloon and throwing confetti. Awarded by!


I’m Fetti, Confetti.

¡WOA! Watch your heads! I’m going down! ¡Alright! I’m here, let’s get this party started!

Did you just say “Confetti”?

I never miss a celebration on Tibia Some people ask me: “¿Why do you travel hanging from a balloon?”. And i say: “¿Why not?

One more time! We’re gonna celebrate!

Looks like this party is over, I’m taking off!

You can find his artworks on social media:

Instagram: @colz_art

Check also his other sprites:

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