
Mythmine is a player with a long history of success in art competitions. He has many awards to his credit. But something that sets her apart from other contest participants are the beautiful logos she creates to represent fan sites.

Keeping the same style, they are recognizable at a glance!

Logo made for as a gift for their effort in creating the fansite.

The logo was published on the fansite’s official Instagram account, but has not been officially used.

However, this is just the beginning. Mythmine has created many more drawings to represent fan sites on the occasion of various competitions. Below are some of them. – Logo Contest 2021 – Logo Contest 2020


Another logo, this time specially created for the website in 2022. Although it is not currently in use, it has certainly gone down in the memories of many players and has been part of the site’s beautiful history! And do you prefer dogs or cats? In Mythmine’s design, we love both options!


The design for, is not only a logo, but also two characters created by the founders of the site: a poodle, representing the dark side of Tibia – PvP, and an adorable cat, preferring the neutral aspects of the game, that is, RPG style.

How about two explorers equipped with a map and a desire for amazing adventures? He dressed in Discoverer Outfit, she in Druid Outfit. He is eager to explore new lands, she bravely supports him every step of the way. There’s no denying that this couple looks truly adorable.


However, it’s not just logos and banners that have resulted in many winning prizes during competitions organized by fansites. The regular drawings and graphics were also highly appreciated. And no wonder, because all of her artworks were characterized by attention to presentation, and at the same time they brought a smile to your face by being charming! – Christmas Card Contest 2017

(unfortunately, the fansite does not exist anymore) – Flags and Banners Craft Contest 2017

Although Mythmine is currently not so active in the field of participation in contests, and we can find her works sporadically, we managed to preserve one of the last drawings created by her: fantastic choice of colors, cute characters – as always! 🙂 & – Anniversary Contest 2021

Below are two submissions prepared for a contest in which the participants had to create a concept for a magic potion, and illustrate it graphically! Beautiful drawings with the style of “fairies” matching the lore of! & – Blooming Potion Contest 2023 

Mythmine TibiaTales TibiaGallery 2

We hope to see more works by this player!

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