Titan of Tsunami
Character: Titan of Tsunami
Server: Garnera

There are many sprite creators, some worse, some better, some amazing… Titan of Tsunami for sure should be included in the last group!
The coven is rising, they dance in the night sky, their spectral waltz nothing but an omen. As they swirl above the clouds one thing is certain, the queen of witches is coming.
Titan of Tsunami, https://www.instagram.com/p/CKr3lU0so2k/

Just take a look at some of his work and admit it, isn’t he amazing? And this is just a fraction of all his artworks. Continue reading and you will see just how talented this artist is.
Do you recognize our beloved Thais?

Druid with his summon – Grovebeast:

A pixel art masterpiece!
As befits an experienced spriter, Titan of Tsunami uses his skills by participating in various Fansite Item Contests. Below are some of his works:

Here you can see some of the most recent submissions he prepared:
Looking at his experience in various items made using the pixel art technique, it was a matter of time until Titan of Tsunami became the author of a fansite item representing some fansite in the game.
And that’s what happened! He designed a beautiful doll called “Banor Doll”, which in its first form presents the Dragon Scale Set, while after use it transforms into a truly royal style and clothes the Golden Armor.
The item represents the TibiArt.net website in Tibia.
There’s no denying that Titan is really good at this! Not only does he use his talent in contests organized by fansites, but he also creates custom graphics! Would you like your own 32×32 pixel doll representing your character in Tibia? Or maybe you are interested in a slightly larger format, such as the one below (made for @revkah_)?

If so, be sure to visit him on Instagram, see his other works, and learn more directly from the author of these brilliant artworks.
Instagram: @titanoftsunami
Are you perhaps familiar with the famous Demon Set created by Lupus Aurelius? Titan of Tsunami decided to develop this idea and created alternative Demon Sets for magic professions. Both the concept and the execution of the items are fantastic! Let’s hope for more such creative ideas!

Another set of weapons, armors, and equipment is one based on the theme of Feyrist Island and fairies. Amazing, delicate, rich in details. Tibia may regret not having this set in its sprite database!

See other items from the “Fae Caster Set” and their various options:
While browsing this site, you have already had a chance to see some of the characters that Titan of Tsunami has created for players. Compared to the fansite items, which are 32×32 in size, these ones were quite large. But characters can be created in many different dimensions here are another two of them, this time without outlines with a much smaller dimension, making them look completely different. Amazing work!

If you are curious about what the artist has to say, what are his inspirations and future plans, don’t forget to read the interview with Titan – you can find it in the “INTERVIEWS” section!