
Content updated!

In 2022, we had the great pleasure of interviewing Jan Pedrojetta, a Senior Artist working at CipSoft! And this time we would like to tell you that we have refreshed the interview by adding new graphics and, most importantly, a Polish translation!

From now on you will be able to find out what are the inspirations of the artist who creates sprites for Tibia, and decorates puublications with beautiful illustrations. You will find out what his beginnings were, what his daily routine looks like at work, and what passions he has outside of it! And all this also in Polish.

Miłej lektury! 🙂

The section dedicated to tattoos has just been updated with 15 new works! We are delighted that we still managed to get you new photos with tattoos dedicated to our favorite game.

Thanks also to everyone who sends us their photos or tags in posts on Instagram, making it easier for us to find and reach artists! And if you are the one who owns such tattoos and feel like showing them off, or you created them for someone and want to showcase your art, then share these works with us!

e-mail: contact@tibiafanart.com
Instagram: @tibiafanart

TibiaFanart.com admin.

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