Amy Meow

Character: Amy Meow

Server: Talera

An Elder Druid and Elite Knight in one! In real life an audiovisual designer. She loves cats, unicorns, and bunnies! Sounds cute? – It absolutely is.

However, Amy is not just a cute girl who plays Tibia in her free time. She is also a graphics designer at and! You can admire her graphics in various ads posted by the fansites on their official Instagram.
Below you can see one of her drawings prepared on the occasion of a great contest organized by the websites,, and – The Wild Wedding Contest!

Seeing such beautiful graphics advertising the contest makes you want to participate!

This extremely ambitious girl has created her own project with her friends called, where she is a graphic designer and prepares the fansite, of course, from the graphic side. Almost everything there is by her, from the logo to the eye-pleasing details and embellishments of the graphics found in the articles. Respect!

In addition to her work for fansites, Amy has a really rich portfolio of works created both for fun and those prepared for competitions.

Among her creations, you will find house decorations. Of course, those in Tibia, but not only! Amy creates with the help of graphic programs a lot of alterations of graphics known from Tibia, creating interiors from scratch!

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Editions of houses and decorative elements are not the end of her adventure with pixel art. Amy also enjoys creating new characters, outfits, and items!

What about the combination of a Barbie style and pixel art? Check out the results presented in the form of sprites: new furniture set, outfit, and items!

Don’t you think it looks great?

Amy is a winner of our first official contest organized with our partner – International Woman’s Day Contest 2021! Her girly concept of an outfit made in pixel art was simply the best!

Also, see the designs of her items prepared for various Fansite Item Contests over the years:

Decorating in-game houses, editing sprites, creating new sprites…. it’s really impressive, but it’s not over yet! It’s time for graphics, animations, drawings, and crafting, which is also Amy’s forte! – Valentine’s Day Contest 2020 – Eventholder’s Costume Party Contest 2020

TibiaQA – Quick Tour Design Contest 2020 – Craft a Fansite Item Contest 2021

See also her idea for a Love Elixir recipe, prepared for the Valentine’s Day Contest organized by the cooperating teams of and

You have to admit, you can fall in love with this work without drinking any elixir! & – Women Unite Contest 2022

If you’re still not enough of the digital drawings, crafting, and contest entries created by Amy Meow, we have a few more, because there’s never enough good stuff!

Want to know more about her artistic career? Head to our “INTERVIEWS” section and choose Amy Meow!

Also, don’t forget to visit her on her social media:

Instagram: @amymeow.s2

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